| 1. | We have completed schematic drawings and have priced a new stadium out.
| 2. | In a schematic drawing, for instance, line segments and curves might be primitives.
| 3. | There were no plans, blueprints, or schematic drawings because they were all in Eisenach.
| 4. | So even schematic drawings for props will be offered.
| 5. | For example, engineers might need to share a tool for viewing and editing 3-D schematic drawings.
| 6. | Schematic drawing of the relative positioning of the BC and CT active sites in the holoenzyme.
| 7. | Schematic drawing of the CT active site.
| 8. | Even on the anatomy pages schematic drawings are of more use than outright nudity of either sex.
| 9. | A schematic drawing of the binding of sumatriptan to 5-HT 1D receptor can be seen in figure 4.
| 10. | :: Odd, there doesn't seem to be any good schematic drawing of this at all on the web.